What is circumcision?
A simple surgical procedure that removes the foreskin. The foreskin is the sleeve of skin that covers the tip of the penis.
Why Circumcise?
The foreskin traps bacteria, infectious agents and malodorous smegma. Therefore, its removal ensures greater genital hygiene and reduces the risk of infectious diseases for the male and his future sexual partners. People also circumcise for religious ( Muslim and Jewish and Biblical ) and cultural reasons
Is Circumcision a Common Procedure?
Research indicates that 69% of Australian-born men are circumcised (Richters et al 2006). Routine circumcision in Australia decreased in the 1970s - 1980s (Wirth 1986) due to inconclusive myths such as alleged differences in sexual satisfaction and psychological impact. Today, it is a popular procedure among well-informed parents, and backed by positive research results.
When is the Best Time to Circumcise?
The earlier the better! Between the first and third weeks after birth is the ideal time. We routinely see children up to 6 weeks of corrected age i.e. 6 weeks after the full 40 weeks of gestation. If circumcision is not completed in the neonatal period, then children older than 2 years can have circumcision surgery under general anaesthetic in a Day Surgery.
Circumcision of adult males is performed as well, involving sedation and a local anaesthetic in a Day Surgery..
Who is Best to Perform Circumcisions?
While circumcision is a simple procedure, the health and well-being of your baby boy is paramount. Only consider circumcision by a fully qualified, highly experienced and accredited medial practitioner. Ask lots of questions and be prepared to discuss both parents’ family medical history.